The idea of spiritual enlightenment has captivated humanity for centuries, with many seeking to attain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. But what exactly is spiritual enlightenment, and how can one distinguish it from personal thoughts and biases?

One definition of spiritual enlightenment is the attainment of a higher level of consciousness, characterized by a sense of peace and understanding. It is often described as a feeling of oneness with the universe, or a connection to something greater than oneself.

However, it is important to note that the concept of spiritual enlightenment is highly subjective and can mean different things to different people. For some, it may involve a religious or spiritual practice, such as meditation or prayer. For others, it may be a sense of interconnectedness with nature or a sense of purpose in life.

Understanding Your Own Thoughts or Impressions

Personal thoughts, on the other hand, are our own individual thoughts, feelings and beliefs that are shaped by our experiences, culture and upbringing. They are often influenced by our egos and can be clouded by emotions such as fear, anger, and doubt.

One way to distinguish between personal thoughts and spiritual enlightenment is to pay attention to the nature of the thoughts themselves. Personal thoughts tend to be self-centered and focused on the individual, while spiritual enlightenment is characterized by a sense of connection to something greater than oneself.

Another way to distinguish between personal thoughts and spiritual enlightenment is to pay attention to the emotions that accompany them. Personal thoughts are often accompanied by negative emotions such as fear, anger, and doubt, while spiritual enlightenment is often accompanied by positive emotions such as peace, love and understanding.

Never Ending Process

It is also important to note that spiritual enlightenment is not a destination, but rather a journey. It is not something that can be attained and then held onto forever, but rather an ongoing process of growth and self-discovery.

Achieving spiritual enlightenment is not always easy, and it may require effort, patience, and a willingness to let go of personal thoughts and biases. One popular spiritual practice that can help with this is meditation, which can help quiet the mind and allow for a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around us.

Here are 5 simple questions to ask yourself, helping to determine wither your thoughts are from your higher power, or from yourself:

1. Objectivity: Spiritual enlightenment is often characterized by a sense of detachment and objectivity, whereas personal thoughts tend to be more subjective and emotionally charged.

2. Timelessness: spiritual enlightenment is often described as a timeless, eternal state, whereas personal thoughts are usually tied to a specific time and place.

3. Universality: Spiritual enlightenment is often said to be universal and applicable to all people, whereas personal thoughts are usually specific to an individual.

4. Transcendence: Spiritual enlightenment is often described as transcending the self and connecting to a higher power or consciousness, whereas personal thoughts are usually focused on the self.

5. Experience: The key to distinguish between spiritual enlightenment and personal thoughts is the experience that come with it, enlightenment is often described as a profound, transformative experience that can't be explained in words and personal thoughts can be analyzed and understood by the person who has them.

The Importance of Writing It Down

Another practice that can help with spiritual enlightenment is journaling or writing. This can help to identify our personal thoughts, biases and emotions and can also provide an opportunity for self-reflection and introspection.

Distinguishing between personal thoughts and spiritual enlightenment can be difficult, but it is important in order to achieve a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around us. It is not a destination, but rather a journey of self-discovery and growth. By paying attention to the nature of our thoughts and emotions, and by practicing spiritual practices such as meditation and journaling, we can begin to understand the difference between personal thoughts and spiritual enlightenment.

Still confused or wondering? Here are 10 Signs Your Thought May Actually be a Divine Message from God:

1.     It brings peace and calm to your mind and heart

2.     It aligns with biblical teachings and principles

3.     It prompts you to take action towards helping others

4.     It is consistent with the character and nature of God

5.     It is not self-centered or focused on personal gain

6.     It brings a sense of awe and wonder

7.     It is not in conflict with scientific understanding

8.     It is confirmed by others who have received similar messages or guidance

9.     It is not based on fear or insecurity

10.  It brings a deeper understanding of God and your relationship with Him.

It's important to remember that discerning between thoughts from your brain and from God can be a challenging task. However, by being in tune with your emotions, and seeking guidance from the Bible and trusted spiritual leaders, you can better understand and identify which thoughts may be divinely inspired.

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Jan 18, 2023

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